Important hotlines:
22 474 00 00 – Railway Security Guard
112 – European Emergency Number
997 – Police
998 – Fire Brigade
999 – Ambulance
986 – Municipal Guard (Commune)
987 – Provincial Center for Crisis Management

Railway stations, as an integral part of the infrastructure available to the general public are subject, in the scope of maintaining order, security, and preventing the violation of legal order, to statutory entities serving the public, intended for securing safety of people and maintaining public safety and order, including ensuring peace in public places and in public transport and public communication, that is the Police, Border Guard, Military Police, Municipal Guard (Commune).
PKP S.A. supports the activities of the Police and Municipal Guard in the above-mentioned scope and carries out security projects by introducing the following forms of protection at railway stations:
- Railway Security Guard patrols,
- video monitoring,
- Security Agencies specialized in the protection of persons and property,
- 24/7 monitoring centers.

If there is a situation that may be a threat to your or other travelers' safety, such as:
1. The presence of a person (or people) whose appearance and behavior causes your anxiety:
a.     behaving aggressively,
b.     being under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
c.     destroying property,
d.     not complying with the order regulations in force at railway stations;
2.     A package or luggage left unattended:
a.     which is not of interest to anyone in your environment,
b.     from which any odor emanates (remember that poisonous substances may also have a pleasant smell, e.g. hydrogen cyanide/so-called prussic acid has the smell of bitter almonds) or a cloud of smoke or dust/powder of unknown origin,
c.     from which strange objects (wires, containers, etc.) protrude;
3.     Smoke or fire emanating from a closed room or from a nearby rubbish bin or sparks in a closet with electrical devices;
4.     Malaise, shortness of breath, burning of the respiratory tract, painful irritation and watery eyes, fainting;
immediately notify the competent service, security staff and people in your environment!

A short film about safety on stations.

In case of danger, do not panic! Follow the announced sound messages (e.g. about evacuation) and strictly submit to security commands and services arriving at the scene of the incident. For your safety and that of other travelers, look after and do not leave your luggage unattended, and if you notice unattended luggage or a package, do not touch it, do not open it, do not move it. Notify the competent service as soon as possible about the situation! Look after your documents, wallet, phone and other valuable items. Always keep them with you in hard-to-reach, preferably lockable or zipped pockets. If possible, do not keep valuables in your luggage. Do not leave a bag such as a laptop bag unattended. Carry it with you. Do not fall asleep. A moment of inattention could be enough to lose a valuable object. Before entering the train, check and count your pieces of luggage so as not to leave any of them at the station. When you see that another traveler has been robbed, has feinted or feels unwell or observe any other disturbing situation - do not be indifferent! Respond and notify the proper service!

piktogram defibrylator1.png

In order to improve safety and effectiveness of providing first aid in life-threatening situations, PKP stations are successively equipped with AED defibrillators. Currently, defibrillators are available in the following locations:

  1. Białystok
  2. Bielsk Podlaski
  3. Bielsko-Biała Główna
  4. Bolesławiec
  5. Bydgoszcz Główna
  6. Czeremcha
  7. Elbląg Główny
  8. Gdynia Główna
  9. Jabłoń Kościelna
  10. Jelenia Góra
  11. Kalisz
  12. Katowice
  13. Kłodzko Główne
  14. Kobylnica
  15. Korsze
  16. Kraków Główny
  17. Kuźnica Białostocka
  18. Legnica
  19. Lębork
  20. Mrozy
  21. Opole Główne
  22. Ostrów Wielkopolski
  23. Piła Główna
  24. Pobiedziska
  25. Poznań Główny
  26. Poznań Zachodni
  27. Siedlce
  28. Skarżysko-Kamienna
  29. Skierniewice
  30. Sochaczew
  31. Szczecin Główny
  32. Szczytno
  33. Szepietowo
  34. Szklarska Poręba Górna
  35. Wałbrzych Główny
  36. Warszawa Centralna
  37. Warszawa Śródmieście
  38. Warszawa Wschodnia
  39. Warszawa Zachodnia
  40. Węgliniec
  41. Wrocław Główny
  42. Zajezierze k. Dęblina
  43. Zawiercie
  44. Zielona Góra