Train main station

Modern, functional, comfortable and adjusted to the needs of the disabled – the objective of our department is to make sure Polish railway stations fit this description. Since 2007, as many as 70 renovated or newly built facilities have been opened and another 50 investments are under preparation. Modernised railway stations not only serve passengers but also very often become the signature of towns, winning prizes at prestigious architectural competitions. 

What do we do?

  • We modernise railway stations (railway stations under construction and finished modernisations);
  • take care of the financing of investments, which comes from the State Treasury, European Union funds, own resources of PKP S.A., and more frequently from private investors;
  • cooperate with developers, which results in new railway stations in city centres and well-developed commercial spaces (feel invited to take a look at the already finished projects, projects in progress and under preparation);
  • cooperate with local governments in investment planning.

    See our projects